Energy and Environmental Justice in the Built Environment
November 17, 2023 | Yale University, Kroon Hall
195 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT
NESSBE (Northeast Summit for a Sustainable Built Environment) is a biennial northeast regional summit meant to include a larger community of building professionals, owners, academics, policymakers, advocates, and students in a conversation about sustainability in the built environment.
NESSBE organizers are the Connecticut Green Building Council (CTGBC) and Living Future Connecticut.
Frontline communities are now experiencing the greatest effects of Climate Change. These communities face both an increased energy cost burden and an associated increased health burden due to environmental pollution and housing conditions. The intention of this summit is to explore the means and solutions for meeting this challenge in the built environment, lifting up our most vulnerable communities, while improving the quality of life for all CT residents.
The summit goals are to:
Educate the building industry, legislators, advocates, and communities
Understand the landscape of energy and environmental injustice
Learn from case studies and precedents
Define barriers and brainstorm solutions
Capture federal funding to reverse structural inequality
Convene partner organizations
Highlight and promote GC3 Equity and Justice 40 recommendations
Accelerate the sustainable transformation of the built environment
The summit themes are:
Equity and environmental justice
Zero energy/ building electrification
Policy solutions, engagement, and advocacy
Affordable housing and planning
Healthy spaces - comfort, materials, nature, air
Resilience and adaptation in a warming climate
"Knowledge sharing networks like NESSBE are critical ecosystems helping New England move toward a sustainable and just future." Jason Jewhurst, Bruner/Cott Architects
"The speakers and participants came from a wide array of areas of expertise and focus. Hearing how others work toward building sustainable communities and buildings within different frameworks gave me take-aways that continue to inform my own work." Becky Nichols, Shepley Bulfinch
"It was a great networking event and opportunity to share ideas with committed people." Matt Root, Integrated Eco Strategy
"NESSBE offered several interesting workshops, a host of networking opportunities, and hands-on collaboration with experts and passionate people with whom I still communicate today!" Kristen Coperine, Green Thread Consulting